Key points to select a superior vibrating screen:
1. Material physical characters
It includes size composition, water content as well as material shape. If material has higher contents of fine materials, screening efficiency will be higher. If water content is higher, it will affect screening efficiency. However, if mesh size is larger, water content factor influence will be smaller, so in order to improve the screening processing for material which contains water, enlarge the mesh size or wet type screening will be adopted.
2. Screen surface characters
Vibration sieve makes particles and screen surface do vertical movement, so the screening efficiency and production rate is rather high. Regarding the certain material, the production rate and screening efficiency are decided by the mesh size. Wider screen surface brings higher output rate, longer screen surface brings higher working efficiency.
3. Production Condition
Vibration separator rate is determined by mesh size and whole screening efficiency. Larger mesh size and smaller required screening efficiency brings higher production rate. Therefore, even feeding means too much in the process of screening.
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